Sunday, November 7, 2010

It's been a while!

Well, I'm back. I have to tell you, I've had a lot to say lately but not enough time to type it out! I'm taking advantage of my extra hour tonight to send out some of the things I've been thinking about.

High school reunions: Mine was this fall and it was so much fun seeing people I haven't talked to (outside of Facebook) since the day we graduated. Some people have changed a lot and some people haven't changed at all. I have changed a lot in little ways that aren't easy to notice if you've never had a conversation with me.  The way I approach the world was largely shaped by my upbringing, but in these years since high school, I have gone out, seen the world, met people from all walks of life. I've had an opportunity to really change my views and, more importantly, I've gained perspective on things that have happened to me and the challenges that everyone faces are all at once different, the same, trivial, and vastly important. Everything is relative.

Speaking of relatives, we were hoping to see some of mine on our way to the Grand Canyon this summer but that trip had to be postponed due to an AP conference for the Mr. and a Canadian Wedding Adventure which I was unable to attend. Someone please remind me to update my passport at Christmastime or our European adventure may not happen!

This year at school is pretty stinkin' crazy! I'm now teaching Freshmen and Seniors, the babies and the big kids. It's a lot, dealing with the Seniors and the fishies this year. If I had them on different days, it'd be easier because I'd have one thing at a time to deal with. As it is, I start out more relaxed with my seniors, and have to get strict later with the Freshmen. It's tough transitioning and I can't wait for Christmas break when my fish are more motivated - and the Seniors are barely hanging on. I've got a lot of strategizing to do!

House hunting - who loves doing that? Real estate agents, perhaps. Me? I'm done. It's for the birds. I've had it. I'm just going to sit back and patiently wait for someone to give me a house. You think I'm kidding, but I'm not. We put an offer in on a short sale a month and a half or so ago and the bank has just now asked us for proof of funds. Sigh. Now we get to wait for them to sign our offer. It's been so long, I don't even know what it was anymore! Regardless, our lease is up at the end of December so the V's are on the move by Christmas in one direction or another. As if the holidays weren't crazy enough! Prayers for our house and for our sanity (mine especially) are greatly appreciated!

Now, if you live in the greater DFW area and you are free on November 18th (that's a Thursday, folks), then I'd like for you to head on over to and buy a ticket for All I Want For Christmas Is A Girl's Night Out. My college worship leader and his wife are adopting a child from China, fresh on the heels of their trip to work with orphans there. I knew Kelli couldn't come home without an orphan baby and I was right! Well, sort of. She came home without a baby, but with big plans to offer a home to the homeless. She and Bill, parents to four biological children, have pictures of little Lilli that would melt your heart. If you aren't female, consider buying tickets for some of the gals in your life. Last time, I won a $200 photography gift certificate!!!

If you aren't free that night, please consider donating. Instructions are on the site.

That's all from me for now. I hope you are doing well!

Mrs. V

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