Friday, May 13, 2011

Working with my husband

Mr. V and I work together. Lots of you know that we fell in love by the copy machine at our school. Okay, that's not true. We didn't fall in love there. But we did get engaged on the theater stage. And between Mr. V and me, we've taught students of all ages in the school. I taught Freshmen the last three years (making the oldest juniors and the youngest freshmen) and Seniors this year and Mr. V taught Sophomores and Juniors last year and Juniors this year. We figured we had our bases covered. In short, we're pretty well known at the school.

So imagine my surprise today when a girl didn't know exactly who I was.

I was sitting in the cafeteria trying my best to convince a young mother that dropping out of school was not only a bad idea for her but a bad example to set for her baby. Mr. V walked by and said something that I can't remember now but it caused a girl on my opposite side to start the following conversation:

Girl: Do you live together?
Me: Yes. We're married.
Girl: No! I thought you were just dating!
Me: Nope, we're married.
Girl: Since when?
Me: June 20, 2009
Girl: You're lying!

What? I most certainly am not! I haven't yet reached the age where I cannot remember my anniversary or gained the number of years in my marriage where it becomes difficult to pin down the date. I know I put on that white dress, walked down the aisle on my dad's arm, and said "I do" and I'm beyond sure that I said "I do" to Mr. V!

All in all, it was pretty funny. We did have to call Mr. V over to authenticate my story by reciting our wedding date to the girl so she could compare notes but I think she's satisfied now.

I guess not everyone realizes that we're not just together but that the togetherness is the 'til death do us part' variety. It does remind me that during state testing, I took a kid to the bathroom and had a brief chat with a fellow fish teacher who said that it wasn't until testing week that a kid realized I was Mr. Victor's wife, and that's just because I took him his snack as the break room was closing down and I didn't want him to go hungry. I wonder if the same last name made her think that we were brother and sister. Hmmmm. . .

Just another adventure in my life as Mrs. V! Hope you enjoyed reading the anecdote as much as I enjoyed living it!

Mrs. V


  1. MP, bringing a snack to Mr. V so he doesn't go hungry is so sweet, but why does that mean you're married? Wouldn't you treat your brother the same way?

  2. I don't know if I would. We've never worked in the same place and often times, if I bring him something he doesn't want, it isn't graciously received. That said, I figured that the kid in the room must have asked about it or Mr. V must have said something about my being his wife. I don't really know and the other teacher merely said this in passing one day during testing. It was just the day he realized that we were married.
