Monday, November 7, 2011

30 Days of Thanks 2011 - Day 7

Today I am thankful for. . . RUBRICS!

This may sound silly (okay, I know it sounds silly), but I am thrilled to have rubrics to help me grade the papers that my students turn in. It is a difficult thing, grading students' papers, and I never thought it would be so difficult. They are just so subjective! However, rubrics keep me consistent, evaluating the same criteria for each paper. It makes my job much, MUCH faster.

I am also thankful that God blessed me with such a sweet husband who is willing to celebrate birthday week! Today, he surprised me with breakfast in the morning and a trip to get pretzels at Auntie Anne's after school. I almost ruined that surprise by trying to hitch a ride home with a neighbor/coworker/friend who was leaving earlier than Mr. V had planned. Guess it's a good thing that Mr. M had a meeting come up and  he was ready to leave after Mr. V had finished his extra credit day.

It's shaping up to be a pretty special week! I love November!

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