Monday, November 30, 2009

I'm Thankful - Day 30 - The Season Finale

We're going to wait a while to see if we have another season of "I'm Thankful" here at My Life As Mrs. V, but for now, this is goodbye.

Today, I am thankful for the wonderful people on my hall who will loan me their key or come on down to unlock my door when I forget my own keys, who bake goodies to help us get through the day, who have the best interest of their students at heart, and who appreciate a good grammar joke.

I have some of the best coworkers a gal could ask for. Having come from a school that sent a pack of brand new teachers to the portables to struggle it out away from the experienced teachers who might help us, I can really and truly appreciate the camaraderie that we experience at my school. There are so many friendly faces and there are a lot of people who will go to great lengths to help each other out.

It almost makes the early AM start time worth it. Almost ;)

Well, that's all for now. I'm honestly not sure what's going to happen to me and the ol' blog now that my 30 days are up, but I have a feeling that there is a lot of life as a wife left to explore (Christmas is coming, after all) and I intend to share it with you, if you'll let me!

I hope you've enjoyed this series and that it has, in some way, blessed your day.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

I'm Thankful - Day 29

Today, I am thankful for my girlfriends!

To wind down the Thanksgiving holiday, I have spent the last two evenings hanging out with the girls. Granted, last night, hanging out with one of my gal pals also meant hanging out with her boyfriend and Mr. V at a hockey game, but it was still a lot of fun.

Tonight, I was over at Mrs. K's place, chilling with my old small group girls. It was so fun to share our stories over dinner and catch up. It's been a while since we've all been together.

I had been in a bit of a funk this afternoon before, but it can be really restorative hanging out with people with whom you share a history of sorts. Mr. V said I came back in a good mood, and I'd have to say he's right!

I'm so thankful for my friends.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

I'm Thankful - Day 28

After a procedure Tuesday afternoon, baking all day Wednesday, seeing two families for Thanksgiving AND Mr. V's high school friends Thursday, running around in Keller and Colleyville with Mr. V's fam and friends AGAIN on Friday, I'm thankful that today, we got to sleep in, relax, and enjoy being off of work for the holiday. Actually, it's just like every other Saturday.

Though we are busy tonight with friends, I'm so thankful for the downtime this afternoon. With all of the stress of this school year, I really needed it!

Hopefully you all got some good rest, too!

Friday, November 27, 2009

I'm Thankful - Day 27

Today, I am thankful for a close parking spot everywhere we went, the smallest possible crowds (you have to have a certain number to constitute a 'crowd' to begin with), short lines (if any), and being one gift away from being FINISHED with my Christmas shopping obligations.

It was possibly my best "Black Friday" shopping experience EVER and my first with Mr. V. Chances are that this one was so easy, I may be able to get him to go with me again. At least one more time!

I hope everyone else is having a similarly fantastic post-Thanksgiving shopping experience. That is, of course, if you dared to leave the house!

I'm Thankful - Day 26 - Thanksgiving Edition!

Ah, the day that inspired the current series in my blog!

Today, I am thankful for friends and family and time spent together. It was truly a wonderful day that turned into a night that turned into a tournament of cosuples, which ended in a long and very late drive home.

Now, some of you might say that I'm late on this post. If you are in this category, I would like to offer you a little snippet of a story:

Once upon a time, in a magical dorm room within Dobie in Austin, Texas, my friend, Rayce, and I decided that midnight was too early to be the end of the day. Surely the time didn't switch over until, say, 2:15am. That seemed like a MUCH more logical time to end the day. And therefore, I am calling this "rule" into effect and I am therefore still on Thanksgiving Day time.

One of the pre-reading strategies we give the kids in class goes as follows: give a bunch of words that have to do with the selection and see if the kids can guess what the selection will be about.

I'm not writing a selection tonight as it is already too late and I'm more than a wee bit drowsy, but I will give you some words to ponder.  Maybe you can figure out what my Thanksgiving was about!

turkey      nephew       father       pecan pie      blueberry muffins     husband     Cranium    far-away friends   sister-in-law   cinnamon crumb apple pie  brothers-in-law  ham  BIG little brother  Starbucks    win
Hook 'em   nap   sweet potato casserole    Kroger   Richardson    Keller   first   CAKE  late night   scheming-ladies   laughter   pictures   dishes   driving   leftovers   hugs   eat  

Happy Thanksgiving from the V’s!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I'm Thankful - Day 25

I know this will sound extremely strange coming from me, a self-proclaimed night owl who shuns the morning rays as a vampire might, with covers pulled tight over my head, but today I am thankful that I woke up when my alarm went off at 9:30am on a day when I didn't have to be at school.

That last part is so particularly important because normally, when I don't have to be at school, I will sleep until . . . well, I'm embarassed to say how late. But given the fact that I was usually out late due to football games on Friday nights and church falls on a Sunday, I'll let your imaginations run wild as to what time I typically rose from my slumber most Saturdays. I like to sleep. I seem to get so little of it on a regular basis that I relish the opportunity to sleep in late, wake at my leisure, and walk about in my pj's until I have to go somewhere where a cami and pajama pants aren't in the dress code.

However, today, I woke when my alarm went off. Mr. V attributes this to the incredible amounts of sleep I got after my procedure and he could be right. Or, I could be getting into some sort of sleep pattern! I don't know about that, but I do know that because I got up at 9:30, I was able to relax for a short time before scrambling about my morning activities preparing for the arrival of my little brother-in-law.

It is nice to know that I got as much done today as I did because I was able to get out of bed when my alarm went off (well, truly, when Mr. V let me out of a bear hug).

Strange, but true.

Oh, and shout out to Mr. V for being my awesome clean-up man tonight while I was baking blueberry muffins and cupcakes galore, making pies and queso and messes and more! He was really a big help, my pinch hitter, my true Kitchen Aide.  Mr. V, I love you!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I'm Thankful - Day 24

Today, I am thankful for the fact that everything looks normal in my insides - and I have pictures from my procedure, so that's pretty cool!

After fasting for what seemed like forever (have sooo much respect for those who are able to fast for long periods of time - it makes me nauseated like crazy right now), I was at the Park Ventura Endoscopy Center in Plano for my procedure. Miss S was the lovely friend who picked me up from school and took me over there and sat in the waiting room with me so I wasn't actually the youngest person in the room by a decade and a half. Instead, I was the second youngest person there!

When they called me back, they had me undress and put my many things in a bag which they placed under my stretcher. Then I put on a robe and wrapped myself up in a warmed-up blanket (sooo nice!) and another, not-warmed-up blanket and waited for the nurses.

I had heart monitors put on while the anesthesiologist stuck my in my hand (no luck) and then stuck me in my arm to get the IV going. I was "extremely dry," per the instructions to not eat or drink anything after midnight, so they pumped me with a liter of fluid to get me going again (I guess).

These things are kind of crazy. The first nurse asked me a bunch of questions in the pre-procedure room. Right after she leaves, the anesthesiologist asked me THE SAME QUESTIONS over again. I got another half round of questions from one of the other nurses. I feel like maybe they don't communicate with each other.

They wheeled me down to the procedure room and wouldn't you know, but Smash Mouth was playing on the radio and Jenny, my procedure nurse, started singing along with it as she bopped her head around the room, setting me up for everything.

An oxygen tube was shoved into my nostrils and a strange smell filled my nasal passages as they looped the tube around my head and pulled it tight.

Next, a device, which looked a bit like a pacifier, was put into my mouth. It had a hollow but deep ring which I was to bite. It's purpose was to "protect my teeth," but I really think that it just protected the doc from me biting him as he peered inside my body.

The last thing I remember before going in was someone (can't remember who) saying "have a nice nap!" and then I was out.

When I woke up, I actually hadn't forgotten anything but the fact that the procedure had been done. I didn't feel any different. I remembered the Stars game that Miss S had invited us to. I remembered that I had boxes to be picked up. And, most importantly, I remembered to mess with Mr. V - just a little.

They had told me, when I schedule the procedure, that I'd have mild amnesia afterward and Mr. V had expressed a hope that I wouldn't forget him. Well, when he came in, he had a sheet of computer paper with "I'm Mr. V. I am your husband. I love you!" printed on it. I couldn't resist (even in my semi-conscious state) saying "I'm married?" before nodding my head to the side. His response? "You'd better be kidding."

He didn't seem too amused, but I had promised my 9th grade students I would try to mess with him so B3, this one's for you.

Now, they did remove something and my internet has been so slow today that I haven't obsessively googled what that might mean yet, but I have to go in and see the doc again in a week to figure out the results of the biopsy. Let's hope that everything is okay and I just had a $700 test to tell me I'm stressed out and need to do less in life.

Otherwise, all is well and I can now indulge in the two Turkeygram cupcakes that were delivered to my room this morning. Woo hoo!

Monday, November 23, 2009

I'm Thankful - Day 23

I'm a dork. A HUGE nerd. I'm aware of this. My coworkers are probably becomming aware of this.

Today, I am thankful for a little thing we like to call "Report Card Pick-Up Night."  Really, I'm thankful that the kids I teach have parents who care about how they're doing in class. I had a record 14 kids represented by parents and grandparents who want to see their children succeed. It was AWESOME!

I know I haven't been teaching long, but word on the street has it that most of the time, the AP and Honors parents are the heavyweight champs on nights like these, bringing in so many parents that they hardly have time to sit and catch their breath in between people. Ok, maybe that's an exaggeration, but it doesn't really feel like it. I was sitting with a whopping 5 parental sets when my department chair, who teaches AP, coincidentally, told me she had 10. A little wounded, I jokingly told her that AP doesn't count. She, very good naturedly, stuck her tongue out at me.  It's all in good fun. And for the sake of fun, I have a competition with a band teacher at all of these nights - there are two report card pick up nights and one meet-the-teacher.

Now, some may say I cheated because I told my kids that if they brought their parents, I woud reward them with cupcakes, but the point isn't really winning the game. It's about helping the kids.

So, I'm thankful that I had so many parents and grandparents come out to see how their kids/grandkids are doing. And, to be honest, I'm thankful that I beat Mr. P, the band teacher, just because it's fun.

By the way, only one kid came for the sole purpose of receiving her cupcake. So. . . woo hoo!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

I'm Thankful - Day 22

I'm thankful for a husband who loves anything and everything I cook and is completely impressed with it.

Today, I started a cupcake project. I say "project" because I made special cupcakes that taste like Samoas. It's definitely quite involved. Whilst I was doing that, though, I also started some skillet queso and made quesadillas for dinner.

It was quite an afternoon/evening, one that didn't allow me to get my house cleaning taken care of. But I'll get to that later. . . I hope.

Mr. V was astounded that I could do all of that at once. It wasn't that hard, but I'm definitely thankful for his appreciation and admiration!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

I'm Thankful - Day 21

Today, I'm thankful for thoughtful in-laws!

We celebrated my birthday with Mr. V's family today and it was great!

They baked cookies, had my favorite pizza, a giant birthday cookie, and ice cream sundae stuff! I truly have a stomachache now from eating everything (well, almost everything. We found it necessary to skip the sundaes) but it was wonderful!

We played some Phase 10, tickled the nephew, saw some college football, talked with the sis-in-law, and opened the big present. . . a Kitchenaid Stand Mixer!!! I'm so beyond excited - it's just in time for my Thanksgiving/Christmas baking, and I have a ton scheduled for this holiday season so I'm super pumped! This will make my pumpkin bread so much easier AND my deep dish pizza dough will practically make itself now.

All-in-all, it was a very lovely evening and I'm so thankful that they were so thoughtful as to want to celebrate my birthday.

Friday, November 20, 2009

I'm Thankful - Day 20

Today, I am thankful for a Friday night with friends and relaxing in lieu of a football game in the cold.

Tonight was the first night that I didn't have to rush out the door right after school, get something to eat, and rush back up to the school to open the cage, have the cheerleaders grab their signs, make sure Mr. V's student group got their flags and flag poles out, lock up the cage, load a bus, do a head count, get to the stadium, supervise banners and signs going up, get the girls to warm up, go through an entire game hoping to not be impaled by a flag pole (it nearly happened on several occassions), get the girls to tear down signs, load the bus, do a head count, get back to the school, unload the bus, go around the long way to get into the school, unlock the cage, let all the kids in, let the kids put their stuff away, have a post-game meeting, make sure everyone gets picked up, and lock up the school.

And man, it feels goooooood! I forgot what this feels like. It's truly a wonderful sensation, knowing that I don't have any responsibility this evening other than taking care of myself and Mr. V.

Definitely something to be thankful for!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

I'm Thankful - Day 19

Today, I am thankful for free birthday offers!

I know my birthday was last week but these offers are good through Sunday so I'm trying to use them up. In honor of my friend at Thankfully Thrifty, I am going to tell you how you, too, can receive special birthday offers!

The one I used tonight was from Texas Land and Cattle's birthday club and was good for a free entree up to $15. What I usually get is more than $15, so they generously applied the coupon to my meal and I got a $20 steak for only $5!

Red Robin has a birthday club, too. Well, it's a "general promotions" e-club but I have received my email coupon for a free burger so it's worth it to me! Beware, though, that you can only view your email promotion twice (weird, but this is what they claim) so you're supposed to have your printer ready.

My third and last birthday dinner offer this year was from Genghis Grill. I can't wait to go get my bowl and introduce Mr. V to the wonder that is mongolian BBQ.

Now, this final offer is for the ladies. Girls, if you know of Sephora, perhaps you can anticipate what is coming next. If not, I'll just tell you. When  you join Sephora's Beauty Insider Program, you will get a certificate for a trio of lovely lip glosses, redeemable with no purchase necessary! I'm going to get mine this weekend.

I'm sure there are MANY more out there, but these are the ones I'm a part of at the current moment. And I'm so thankful that I've joined! I do love freebies.

Deep down, you know you do, too!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I'm Thankful - Day 18

Today, I'm thankful for a sister-in-law who thinks of me when fun things are at large!

This evening, the other Mrs. V contacted me in an effort to get me out to see a Mavs game with her. Mavs vs. Spurs! How could I pass that up?

Well, this is how: I had a tremendous amount of work to get done (still do. . . silly program won't open up like I need it to) and, though I was desperately trying to take care of everything within the hour I gave myself, I just couldn't do it.

Terribly disappointed, I let her know and I'm still bummed that I had to turn her down. But she told me that (after her own Mr. V) I was the first person she thought of taking. How sweet is that? Yep, I'm a pretty lucky girl to have such a thoughtful sister-in-law.

And I'm completely thankful for that!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I'm Thankful - Day 17

Ladies and gentlmen (because Mr. V reads this blog, I'm going to assume there may be at least one other dude out there whose eyes skim the page), today I am thankful for. . .


Having just had a birthday, I am well aware of the fact that I am no longer 4 years old, nor am I a college student. However, I was unable to sleep last night and was so gosh darn cranky when I got home that I knew a nap was in order.

Mrs. V has never done well without sleep. Or eating, for that matter. But I fixed that with Tyson's chicken nuggets and leftover pie from the one I made yesterday.

Back to the nap. My wonderful husband was at ultimate frisbee practice (you read that right) so I turned on the heater, put on my pjs, and snuggled up with my comforter and down blanket. I accidentially slept for 3 hours. Not the best idea since I was an insomniac the night before and I realize that I might be cursing this nap for which I am currently thankful (funny how that works sometimes, right?) but as of right now, in this moment, I am so thankful that I had the time to take this wonderful nap. And that naps exist in general, really. I'm too much of an "owl" (for those of you who got the 'lark vs owl' email today at work) for these early mornings. I have a feeling that the nap and I will be good friends for a long time to come!

Monday, November 16, 2009

I'm Thankful - Day 16

I'm so very thankful for my measuring cups that allow me to see the level as I look into the cup. So, so, so awesome!

I have been laboring over apple pie. I love apple pie and have been craving it for over a week. I bought apples and everything. Last night, I decided that tonight would be the night. After all, it will be more than a week before I have to make it again for my in-laws (I'm making maple-pecan for my dad and brother) so that's about the appropriate spacing. Regardless, though, I'm going to be quite large after the holidays from all of this pie baking!

Anyway, after my husband found the peeler (for which I'm also QUITE thankful as it made peeling 6 apples a LOT easier), I was wisking the peels off those apples as if there was no tomorrow. And really, once you start peeling the apples for apple pie, you're committed to the task then and there. There is no tomorrow. But I digress. . . as I peeled, I chopped and sliced and diced those Braeburns into the 1/2" cubes they were destined to be, and then tossed said cubes into the measuring cup. Boy howdy was that measuring cup so amazing in those moments as I could easily see, without stopping the incessant apple-peeling process, the fruits of my labor . . . 2 cups, 3 cups, 4 cups. . . dump into the bowl. . . 1 cup. . . 2 cups. . . It was fantastic! Definitely a baker's dream.

Every now and then, I forget how wonderful these cups really are. I think "do I really need this? Are these little somethings that I couldn't live without?" Well, of course I don't NEED them and I certainly lived a good long while before I had the cups and could probably live a good deal longer BUT they're FABULOUS! And all it takes is a serious baking adventure to remind me.

Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. M, for giving these cups to us at our wedding shower. Absolutely awesome. I'm so thankful for them still!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

I'm Thankful - Day 15

Today, I am thankful for my husband's complete lack of any humiliation bone. He just don't embarass.

He went to the store with me tonight to grab a few (bags of) groceries for the coming week and, though it had been raining this afternoon/evening already and the ground was still rather damp, it was not raining when we left nor when we got to the store.

However, upon exiting the store a mere 15-30 minutes later, sure enough, the old man was snoring.  We spied the couple we had walked in with and the gentleman of the pair was contemplating buying an umbrella. Logical, I suppose. But Mr. V had a more. . . creative idea in mind.

He ran back through the "exit only. not an entrance" door with the other husband following behind to find an umbrella, leaving me and the other wife to muse about the rain and our husbands' adventures in the store.

All of a sudden, my husband comes through the doors, struggling to get a Target bag over his shoulders. He stopped right in front of me and asked me to help him out. Of course, the other lady with us is laughing hysterically, but Mr. V doesn't notice or doesn't care. He simply tells me that he'll pull the car up and we can be on our way.

Now, the lady is still laughing but she's in for a greater surprise because what we don't tell her is that Mr. V intends to back the car RIGHT UP to the door, under the overhang, so that we can stay dry as we load. She is completely shocked as he actually does just this and laughs even more.

All laughing aside, I stay dry and Mr. V is once again my knight in shining armor (or a Target bag).

What a funny husband! Something to be thankful for!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

I'm Thankful - Day 14 - Birthday Edition!

Today, I'm so thankful for the number of years I have been on this Earth. It's my birthday, and this afternoon/evening, I spent it having lunch with my dad, playing whirlyball with friends, and having dinner at the Old Spaghetti Warehouse with most of the same (and some other) friends.

I tend to reflect upon the past year when it comes time to blow those candles out again and this year was filled with some great things. For example, during this past year, I both got engaged AND married. And I've shared in life's finer (and not so fine) moments. It's been an honor to be there through the good and not so good with people.

I'm so thankful that I'm here and that I'm a contributing member of society. I'm thankful that I've got great friends, family, and coworkers. I'm thankful that I don't totally stink at whirlyball. And I'm thankful that at the end of my birthday, I have a sweetheart to cuddle up with in front of our big ol' TV and a good ol' movie. Speaking of which, I'm off to do that right NOW!

By the way, if you wished me a happy birthday, thank you so much for taking a moment to say so. You rock my socks off!

Friday, November 13, 2009

I'm Thankful - Day 13

Today, I am thankful for not feeling nauseated all of the time!!!!

True, this is mostly due to my new eating and drinking habits (perpetually) but it seems to be working. There are a few downsides, such as frequent trips to the ladies' room, the inability to eat while trying to fall asleep, and the propensity late night fizzy drinks have to make me burp/hiccup.

I make have woken up nauseated, but I made it through the day without feeling totally horrible and that's a HUGE accomplishment for me right now. Something to celebrate and something to be thankful for :)

Oh, and by the way, the test says "not pregnant" in little digital words. Thanks for asking!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

I'm Thankful - Day 12

Today, I am thankful that I have a job.

I've been waaaay stressed out lately and a lot of it comes from work. Now, I love my job, but since I tend to be a bit of a perfectionist, I give myself a REALLY hard time when I can't do everything and can't do everything well. So having a lot of stuff on my plate has been incredibly overwhelming and has given me a bit of a tummy ache (to say the least).

But I'm thankful that I have job, especially in this economy. So many people are searching and trying to figure out how to make things work, and I have a job that I love. Even when grading papers, creating tests, and making copies of work-kids-lost-but-need-to-turn-in-so-they-don't-fail starts to bog me down. That's pretty cool.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I'm Thankful - Day 11

Today, I am thankful for our veterans. I'm especially so thankful for my little brother making it back from Iraq safely. Yes, it was a number of years ago, but I'm still so blessed to still have him here. He faced a lot of difficult things while in the Marine Corps, most of which he will not tell me about so that I don't have nightmares. I hope that everybody managed to thank a service person at some point today, and that today will stand as a reminder for those who went before us, those fighting now, and those who will answer the call of duty in the future. These men and women keep us secure and free.

Thank you!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I'm Thankful - Day 10

I will start this post with a bit of a gripe - but stay with me! It'll turn around. I promise.

Yesterday, I asked Mr. V to pick up some meat for tacos on his way home from work while I stayed a bit later (read: 2 hours later - long story involving me fixing a copier more than two times). He came home with: TURKEY MEAT. Now, I am not wholly opposed to turkey. I like it at Thanksgiving. It makes a great deli sandwich. And as a substitute for beef in my sloppy joes, it totally works.

I don't like it in my tacos. I don't know why. I just can't stomach it. And the fact that I've been nauseated in general lately doesn't help my gag reflex when it comes to things I don't like.

Mr. V does like turkey tacos. A lot. So much so that tonight, when I said I would make tacos if we got some beef, he said he'd drive out in his UT t-shirt to get me free Whataburger (which he doesn't like) if I would make him turkey tacos.

I was pouting when I saw a bag of Tostitos laying out. Inspiration struck. Now, if you've ever worked or attended Camp Ozark, you remember (fondly) Build-A-Mountain day. I was lacking quite a few of the typical ingredients, but I had the chips, I had the turkey, and I had cheese. That's basically what I put on my tacos anyway, so I thought "I'll make this work." I didn't completely gag, so this worked out.

I'm glad it all worked out, but that's not what I'm thankful for.

Today, I am thankful for the fact that I have food to eat, a husband to argue with, and a creative mind that can turn problems upside down. Definitely blessings and worthy of my deep appreciation!

Monday, November 9, 2009

I'm Thankful - Day 9

Nine days in and I'm still finding things to be thankful for! Or things for which to be thankful. Whatever you're gramatically preferring today.

Tonight, we ventured out to see what was going on in Sachse at the home of some folks we just met at the church we've been trying out. They said we'd play board games (which would have been awesome) but we really ate dinner, had cake, and talked about life in general. I have been wanting some new friends in our area for a while - it gets a little lonely watching the hubs play Tiger Woods Golf all the time. Not that I don't enjoy seeing him gain the glory of a game well played or a challenge finally met, but you know what I mean.

I am thankful for new opportunities to make connections with people who aren't waiting to get their drivers' licenses or complaining about how much homework they have. I'm thankful that it was so easy to get along with everyone and hang out. And I'm thankful that I met a guy who we think was actually taught by my mom! (He seems to remember her - he would have been in her reading class at one point, we're pretty sure)

Great night to meet everyone and fantastic to joke around about life in general. I'm so very thankful for that!

By the way, doing this has really helped me pull out of my funk! Mr. V tells me I'm laughing a lot more lately and we're both enjoying it. :) It just goes to show you it doesn't take long to pull yourself back up if you have the right perspective on things!

Also, look for future "I'm Thankful" posts featuring the smell in the English hall (ie: I'm so thankful that my classroom doesn't smell like raw sewage anymore)!!! I can't wait to post that!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

I'm Thankful - Day 8

Today, I am thankful for ice cream sundaes with too many cherries to count!

I love ice cream sundaes - they are my latest "gotta have it" food substance. A few weeks ago, I asked my Facebook friends if it was okay for me to have ice cream for dinner. One very responsible mother of many told me "no," and a few others said "yes," (the joys of adulthood) so I went for it and never looked back!

On that note, Mrs. G, you will be pleased to know that I had a quesadilla for dinner before grabbing a spoonful of this delicious chocolate-covered, cherry-topped, vanilla delight. But I also had gelatto at the mall before I had my dinner. Does that cancel it out?

It's the simple things in life that make it worth living, so enjoy the things you have in front of you. If it happens to be an ice cream sundae, all the better :)

Saturday, November 7, 2009

I'm Thankful - Day 7

Ladies and gentlemen,

Tonight, before it's too late and is actually tomorrow, I want to tell you that I am thankful for double dates. Today was a wonderful and relaxing day for me and Mr. V and at the end of it, we headed out to Babe's with our friends, the T's. Well, when we got there, the line was OUT THE DOOR! I mean, it's fried chicken, people. Not face time with the Pope. Regardless, we met up with our friends and regrouped.

We went out to Love & War in Texas (excellent fried pickles, not so great fajitas - too smokey) and had a blast talking about life over dinner. Then we raced off to play Bingo. I tell you, I have never played such a stressful game before! We had agreed to split the winnings but none of us won so there was nothing to share but the misery and the frustration about the woman behind us winning twice in one set.

Doesn't matter. We still had a blast. Gotta love good friends!

Friday, November 6, 2009

I'm Thankful - Day 6

TGIF!!! Today, I'm thankful for the start of the weekend. In just a few "short" hours, I will be back at home again, resting on the couch with my husband, reveling in the fact that I don't have to be anywhere for two more days! The only ones who can demand anything of my time are my husband and me. Yep. The weekend is ALWAYS something to be thankful for :)

Get out there and enjoy it while it lasts!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

I'm Thankful - Day 5

Today, I am thankful for sweet, sweet people who not only remember my mother, but also miss her a lot. Below is an excerpt from an email I received upon inquiring about a memorial plaque that was placed in her honor. I have not seen it yet but hearing about it was good for my soul (and a bit sad, too, to tell the truth - I bawled).

Dear Megan,

Of course I remember your mother. I think of her often--her love of students and her sense of humor. . . Many teachers contributed to the plaque we put in the garden to honor your mother. . .  her name and the quote are on the plaque. Besides the plaque, we also bought a set of wind chimes to hang from a near-by tree so that the melodious tones would remind us of your mother's beautiful voice and laugh.

I hope that sometime you will be able to visit the garden and find peace there.

Mrs. R

Wasn't that sweet? It blessed my heart. I'm so glad that other people remember my mother for the wonderful person she was. Sometimes, I feel pretty alone in that department and this was just the reassurance I needed right now.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I'm Thankful - Day 4

Bet you thought I was going to slack off tonight, didn't you? Don't try to pretend, Mrs. S! You've been tracking me, I know! ;)

Today, I am thankful for Mrs. K, who is just as behind on her thank you notes as I am! Tonight, we got together at a coffee shop and sipped and wrote, laughed, and compared notes on marriage. We find our husbands hilarious.

After we'd written as many as we could write (7 for me, 3 for her. . . we're not fantastic at this, clearly), we left to go just up the road to Mrs. K's apartment for dinner and a movie. Her husband, Mr. K, was off at welding class, a gift given to him by his lovely wife upon the occassion of his birthday.

Mr. V enjoyed an afternoon of CiCi's with a friend followed by an evening to himself - he had been craving it lately and I was happy to oblige him with some QT with his PS3.

All in all, I think everything worked out for everyone.  And on the super plus side, I don't feel as guilty about being behind anymore. Turns out, I'm pretty normal! Yay!!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I'm Thankful - Day 3

Today, I am thankful for a life well lived.

The past few weeks have been a very difficult time for family friends of mine. It's a pain I know all too well. A friend of my parents passed away last week on Monday from complications related to H1N1 and though it's incredibly sad and so, so hard to come to terms with, I want to share with you the amazing thing that came out of all of this.

God was glorified.

I am so fortunate to be at a time in my life where I attend more weddings than funerals, and can look forward to more births than I anticipate death. Regardless of how few memorial services I have attended, I have never seen a more amazing service and have never seen so many come to celebrate the life of one.

Mr. D, as I will call him to respect his family, was quite an amazing man. To hear his closest friends talk about him, you get the feeling that this was someone you wanted to be best friends with, too. Not only did they talk about the sort of professional he was, how talented a singer he was, and how much he enjoyed golf, they talked about his character. This was a man who loved Jesus Christ and dedicate his time and energy to serving Him, sharing his faith with so many. The words spoken to his widow and children were full of compassion and spoke a husband and father's true love for his family. It was so very touching. So poignant. And the number of people who came to pay tribute to this great man just showed you how far-reaching his life was. I came before the service started and had to sit in the overflow room because the sanctuary was full! It all makes me want to be a better friend, a better wife, and a better Christian.

He will definitely be missed, and though it was cut short by this terrible illness, his really was a life well lived, and I am so thankful for that.

Monday, November 2, 2009

I'm Thankful - Day 2

Today, I am thankful for friends and good food!

My friend and maid of honor, Miss S, came over tonight for some homemade deep dish pizza. That's right, I made pizza from scratch, starting with the dough. Now, to be fair, the pepperoni and cheese and sauce were all store bought but I assembled it all atop my homemade dough and baked it with love. So there!

It's hard to tell, but this is the first few ingredients (yeast, water, and sugar) mixed together. You have to let it sit a few minutes. . .

and then you can add the other ingredients and mix 'em all up.  If I had a stand mixer with a dough hook, I'd have used that. But I don't (sigh) and so instead I did it the old fashioned way.

Kneading the dough!

I did more than a 'light' dusting of flour! These are little bitty baby dough balls. Soon, they'll grow up to be big dough balls . . .

like these! These guys can't wait to become deep dish pizza crusts. Trust me. That's what they're thinking.

Loading. . .

Loading. . .

Still loading. . .

The dough's dream is realized!

Look at that deep-dish goodness!


Miss S, Mr. V, and I ate to our stomachs' content and then some. Soooooo good! And definitely something to be thankful for :)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

I'm Thankful - Day 1

I've been in a bit of a funk lately. I'm not entirely sure why, but it has hit me pretty hard. I've been forgetting things, getting upset over (seemingly) nothing, and just having a difficult time with most everything.

But it's November, the month during which we in the United States celebrate Thanksgiving (Canada, I'm informed, celebrates in October. Thanks future-Mrs.S!) and in honor of this month, and in an attempt to lift my spirits and experience an attitude of gratitude, I am going to post, daily (here's hoping), things for which I am thankful.

Special thanks to Mrs. D in H-town for the inspiration - her joy challenge really got me thinking. So, without further adieu, I give you my gratitude journal!

Today, I am thankful for lazy Sundays that allow me to hang out with my beloved Mr. V. Here we are, hanging out together - him playing Tiger Woods on the PS3, me watching him on the hunt for the elusive hole-in-one.

Don't we look peaceful and content?  What you can't see is that we're totally chillaxing in our sweat pants and t shirts. Wish I could bottle up this pace and unleash it on my hectic days! Yay, Sunday!