Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I'm Thankful - Day 3

Today, I am thankful for a life well lived.

The past few weeks have been a very difficult time for family friends of mine. It's a pain I know all too well. A friend of my parents passed away last week on Monday from complications related to H1N1 and though it's incredibly sad and so, so hard to come to terms with, I want to share with you the amazing thing that came out of all of this.

God was glorified.

I am so fortunate to be at a time in my life where I attend more weddings than funerals, and can look forward to more births than I anticipate death. Regardless of how few memorial services I have attended, I have never seen a more amazing service and have never seen so many come to celebrate the life of one.

Mr. D, as I will call him to respect his family, was quite an amazing man. To hear his closest friends talk about him, you get the feeling that this was someone you wanted to be best friends with, too. Not only did they talk about the sort of professional he was, how talented a singer he was, and how much he enjoyed golf, they talked about his character. This was a man who loved Jesus Christ and dedicate his time and energy to serving Him, sharing his faith with so many. The words spoken to his widow and children were full of compassion and spoke a husband and father's true love for his family. It was so very touching. So poignant. And the number of people who came to pay tribute to this great man just showed you how far-reaching his life was. I came before the service started and had to sit in the overflow room because the sanctuary was full! It all makes me want to be a better friend, a better wife, and a better Christian.

He will definitely be missed, and though it was cut short by this terrible illness, his really was a life well lived, and I am so thankful for that.

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