Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Post-Christmas Blahs

You may (if you're Mrs. S) or may not have noticed that I have been absent from the blogging community lately. I have often thought of this and shrugged my shoulders. I haven't had anything interesting to write.

I think I'm suffering from the post-Christmas blahs. There is no more baking in mass, Christmas shopping, or general frenzied running around to do. You would think that I would have a LOT of time to blog. And I do. I just don't know what to write! I think I'm bored.

I will share just a bit of my wedded bliss with you, though. Today, Mr. V and I have been married for 7 months. Believe it or not, that's almost as long as we were together before we got married and is about 1.5 months longer than we were together before we got engaged. I know, I know. We went a bit fast.  This morning, while we were both on our conference period, though in separate parts of the building, he sent me a text message telling me that this has been a great 7 months. Isn't that sweet?

It's especially sweet when I reflect on these past 7 months. The stress of this school year (among other, more personal things), has made me quite crazy and though I know it's been difficult, my sweet husband has endured it with the patience of an angel. AND he STILL thinks it's all been great. He'll tell you it's all worth it, and that makes me feel incredibly blessed.

So, that's about all I have right now. Hopefully the writing bug will strike me again sooner rather than later!

Mrs. V

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