Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas from Mrs. V!

The Little Drummer Boy. Mr. V thinks it has been overplayed this holiday season and, I have to say, we certainly heard it more than three times during our roundtrip roadtrip (Dallas-Houston-Dallas) this past weekend. There are so many different versions - ladies singing, a round for the fellas, the tour of some darling children's choir - that it's easy to find a song to suit your liking or drive you up a wall.

Regardless of how you feel about drums and pa-rum-pa-pum-puming, or even little boys, you have to give the song credit: it has a wonderful lesson for us all.

See, I have a bit of a problem. I know that not everyone does this but a lot of people do. I think it's awful, and I wish I could get rid of it. It sneaks up without warning. Curious? Here it is: I compare myself to others.

I tend to wonder if I'm doing things as well as other people. It's not so much a "I'm better than you are" thing as it is a "Am I doing this well enough? Hmmm." We could dig deep into my childhood memories to figure that one out OR we can think about the song.

So, what can the little drummer boy teach me (and possibly you)? Let's take a look at the lyrics (minus the drumming).

Come they told me,
A new born King to see,
Our finest gifts we bring,
To lay before the King,

So to honor Him
When we come.

Little Baby,
I am a poor boy too,
I have no gift to bring,
That's fit to give the King,

Shall I play for you,
On my drum?

Mary nodded,
The ox and lamb kept time,
I played my drum for Him,
I played my best for Him,

Then He smiled at me,
Me and my drum.

Ok, maybe you didn't need the whole song, but did you notice the bold words? I want to tell you about them.

No matter what talents I think I lack or how short I come of my idea of perfection, God already knows that I'm not going to measure up. All he wants from me is the best that I have to give Him. If I do my best for Him, He'll be happy. This is so hard for me, a girl who grew up in a society of "look how great I am," to come to grips with. I always think "I need to be better." And while trying to live a more godly life is nothing to scoff at, there's a delicate line that we walk between trying to be Christlike and trying to be perfect.

God wants our best. He knows we're not perfect. That's why He sent Jesus. He sent Him so that we don't have to be perfect. We do, however, have to do our best with what we've been given. Praise the Lord!

Something to think about.

Merry Christmas, everyone!

Mrs. V

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