No, really. This post is about time. Mr. and Mrs. V have had so little of it lately (hence the hiatus from blogging) that we're about to scream. This month, we have had something going on every weekend and this one is no exception. However, instead of heading out to Arkansas or spending the day at cheerleading tryouts, we are headed to Arlington with some friends for a little Rangers action.
We had the opportunity to attend a talent show at the school tonight but turned it down in favor of hanging out around our often neglected home. And what did we do, first thing? Take a nap. Because we're tired. So very tired.
Here's the lesson we've learned in these oh-so-busy months: time is valuable, precious, necessary. When we were dating, we were Mr. and Miss High School (in the teacher sense), going to everything and seeing the kids as often as possible. This year, we've tried doing the same thing but we've noticed that we just can't. It's been smacking us in the face lately, our overcommitment to everything else. We both love to support our students - and at our school, where so many kids' parents aren't there, we feel it's incredibly important, but so is our marriage and spending time together is essential to building a strong one.
Note: If you're wondering why, on a Friday night, when we've turned down a buy-one-get-one free ticket to a rockin' talent show, I'm taking time out to blog, it's because the Mr. is in the shower.
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