Monday, May 3, 2010

Birthday/Family Mania!!!

One of the things I've realized as I've gotten older and observed my friends' marriages is that when you marry your husband, you marry his family. This has been said over and over and over again, I know.

Now that I'm married, though, I can completely sympathize with my friend, Mrs. M, whose husband's family is bigger and LOVES to hang out. A lot. For any reason.

I love my in-laws. I feel very fortunate that I don't have a Monster-In-Law or anything that resembles the terror one might face in a J-Lo film. However, the sense of family togetherness and the desire to hang out and just be with my man collides when there is any major holiday or birthday. Add in my father, who needs a good bit of help with things and is lonely (as widowers tend to be) and you've got a LOT to do in one weekend.

Friday was Mr. V's birthday AND the end of TAKS. Not one to make a fuss out of making one more trip around the sun (unlike his wife), we planned to celebrate the two together. After school on Friday, we ended up across the street at an Italian restaurant (because our first choice is closed between 2 and 5) and we caught up with good friends, devoured excellent garlic rolls, and passed around the baby (not ours - our friends') for what ended up being over 3 hours! It was great, but we got home much later than we expected!

The next day, I let Mr. V sleep in while I caught up with an elusive college friend who, after years (seriously, years) of living under a rock, delightfully reemerged and came up to Dallas for a 5k. Then I rushed home to pick up my sleepy birthday boy to get packing materials from my dad so we could race to Ft. Worth to pack up more of my grandmother's house before heading out to the in-laws house in Keller to shower, change, and head out to Bedford for Mr. V's family birthday dinner at Pappadeaux's! Funny enough, we ran into our school's drill team director and got to meet her family and boyfriend while we were there. Bonus!

While we were there, we got to give Mr. V his birthday present from all of us: season tickets for TCU football! I don't know how I'll ever be able to beat that idea. Ever. He was so beyond excited!

We left Bedford to get some rest before experiencing the last of the birthday weekend: dinner with my dad! We met in the middle at Twisted Root in Richardson which was good, but not great. I feel like the FoodNetwork lied to me a little - Jake's is still FAR superior, in my humble opinion.

I wish I could say that we'll soon be able to rest up for that final push to the end of the school year, but we have Mother's Day and another family birthday on back to back weekends.

I keep telling my friends (who married 6 months after we did) that it seems like married life is just busy-ness followed by more busy-ness topped off with a packed out schedule. Anyone else sympathize with crazy (albeit sometimes fun-filled) married weekends?

1 comment:

  1. Just try adding kids to the mix...yes you may not go out as much, but they have friends, and their friends have birthday parties and everyone always wants to see them!!
