Saturday, November 14, 2009

I'm Thankful - Day 14 - Birthday Edition!

Today, I'm so thankful for the number of years I have been on this Earth. It's my birthday, and this afternoon/evening, I spent it having lunch with my dad, playing whirlyball with friends, and having dinner at the Old Spaghetti Warehouse with most of the same (and some other) friends.

I tend to reflect upon the past year when it comes time to blow those candles out again and this year was filled with some great things. For example, during this past year, I both got engaged AND married. And I've shared in life's finer (and not so fine) moments. It's been an honor to be there through the good and not so good with people.

I'm so thankful that I'm here and that I'm a contributing member of society. I'm thankful that I've got great friends, family, and coworkers. I'm thankful that I don't totally stink at whirlyball. And I'm thankful that at the end of my birthday, I have a sweetheart to cuddle up with in front of our big ol' TV and a good ol' movie. Speaking of which, I'm off to do that right NOW!

By the way, if you wished me a happy birthday, thank you so much for taking a moment to say so. You rock my socks off!

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