Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I'm Thankful - Day 25

I know this will sound extremely strange coming from me, a self-proclaimed night owl who shuns the morning rays as a vampire might, with covers pulled tight over my head, but today I am thankful that I woke up when my alarm went off at 9:30am on a day when I didn't have to be at school.

That last part is so particularly important because normally, when I don't have to be at school, I will sleep until . . . well, I'm embarassed to say how late. But given the fact that I was usually out late due to football games on Friday nights and church falls on a Sunday, I'll let your imaginations run wild as to what time I typically rose from my slumber most Saturdays. I like to sleep. I seem to get so little of it on a regular basis that I relish the opportunity to sleep in late, wake at my leisure, and walk about in my pj's until I have to go somewhere where a cami and pajama pants aren't in the dress code.

However, today, I woke when my alarm went off. Mr. V attributes this to the incredible amounts of sleep I got after my procedure and he could be right. Or, I could be getting into some sort of sleep pattern! I don't know about that, but I do know that because I got up at 9:30, I was able to relax for a short time before scrambling about my morning activities preparing for the arrival of my little brother-in-law.

It is nice to know that I got as much done today as I did because I was able to get out of bed when my alarm went off (well, truly, when Mr. V let me out of a bear hug).

Strange, but true.

Oh, and shout out to Mr. V for being my awesome clean-up man tonight while I was baking blueberry muffins and cupcakes galore, making pies and queso and messes and more! He was really a big help, my pinch hitter, my true Kitchen Aide.  Mr. V, I love you!

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