Sunday, November 8, 2009

I'm Thankful - Day 8

Today, I am thankful for ice cream sundaes with too many cherries to count!

I love ice cream sundaes - they are my latest "gotta have it" food substance. A few weeks ago, I asked my Facebook friends if it was okay for me to have ice cream for dinner. One very responsible mother of many told me "no," and a few others said "yes," (the joys of adulthood) so I went for it and never looked back!

On that note, Mrs. G, you will be pleased to know that I had a quesadilla for dinner before grabbing a spoonful of this delicious chocolate-covered, cherry-topped, vanilla delight. But I also had gelatto at the mall before I had my dinner. Does that cancel it out?

It's the simple things in life that make it worth living, so enjoy the things you have in front of you. If it happens to be an ice cream sundae, all the better :)

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