Friday, November 27, 2009

I'm Thankful - Day 26 - Thanksgiving Edition!

Ah, the day that inspired the current series in my blog!

Today, I am thankful for friends and family and time spent together. It was truly a wonderful day that turned into a night that turned into a tournament of cosuples, which ended in a long and very late drive home.

Now, some of you might say that I'm late on this post. If you are in this category, I would like to offer you a little snippet of a story:

Once upon a time, in a magical dorm room within Dobie in Austin, Texas, my friend, Rayce, and I decided that midnight was too early to be the end of the day. Surely the time didn't switch over until, say, 2:15am. That seemed like a MUCH more logical time to end the day. And therefore, I am calling this "rule" into effect and I am therefore still on Thanksgiving Day time.

One of the pre-reading strategies we give the kids in class goes as follows: give a bunch of words that have to do with the selection and see if the kids can guess what the selection will be about.

I'm not writing a selection tonight as it is already too late and I'm more than a wee bit drowsy, but I will give you some words to ponder.  Maybe you can figure out what my Thanksgiving was about!

turkey      nephew       father       pecan pie      blueberry muffins     husband     Cranium    far-away friends   sister-in-law   cinnamon crumb apple pie  brothers-in-law  ham  BIG little brother  Starbucks    win
Hook 'em   nap   sweet potato casserole    Kroger   Richardson    Keller   first   CAKE  late night   scheming-ladies   laughter   pictures   dishes   driving   leftovers   hugs   eat  

Happy Thanksgiving from the V’s!

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