Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I'm Thankful - Day 24

Today, I am thankful for the fact that everything looks normal in my insides - and I have pictures from my procedure, so that's pretty cool!

After fasting for what seemed like forever (have sooo much respect for those who are able to fast for long periods of time - it makes me nauseated like crazy right now), I was at the Park Ventura Endoscopy Center in Plano for my procedure. Miss S was the lovely friend who picked me up from school and took me over there and sat in the waiting room with me so I wasn't actually the youngest person in the room by a decade and a half. Instead, I was the second youngest person there!

When they called me back, they had me undress and put my many things in a bag which they placed under my stretcher. Then I put on a robe and wrapped myself up in a warmed-up blanket (sooo nice!) and another, not-warmed-up blanket and waited for the nurses.

I had heart monitors put on while the anesthesiologist stuck my in my hand (no luck) and then stuck me in my arm to get the IV going. I was "extremely dry," per the instructions to not eat or drink anything after midnight, so they pumped me with a liter of fluid to get me going again (I guess).

These things are kind of crazy. The first nurse asked me a bunch of questions in the pre-procedure room. Right after she leaves, the anesthesiologist asked me THE SAME QUESTIONS over again. I got another half round of questions from one of the other nurses. I feel like maybe they don't communicate with each other.

They wheeled me down to the procedure room and wouldn't you know, but Smash Mouth was playing on the radio and Jenny, my procedure nurse, started singing along with it as she bopped her head around the room, setting me up for everything.

An oxygen tube was shoved into my nostrils and a strange smell filled my nasal passages as they looped the tube around my head and pulled it tight.

Next, a device, which looked a bit like a pacifier, was put into my mouth. It had a hollow but deep ring which I was to bite. It's purpose was to "protect my teeth," but I really think that it just protected the doc from me biting him as he peered inside my body.

The last thing I remember before going in was someone (can't remember who) saying "have a nice nap!" and then I was out.

When I woke up, I actually hadn't forgotten anything but the fact that the procedure had been done. I didn't feel any different. I remembered the Stars game that Miss S had invited us to. I remembered that I had boxes to be picked up. And, most importantly, I remembered to mess with Mr. V - just a little.

They had told me, when I schedule the procedure, that I'd have mild amnesia afterward and Mr. V had expressed a hope that I wouldn't forget him. Well, when he came in, he had a sheet of computer paper with "I'm Mr. V. I am your husband. I love you!" printed on it. I couldn't resist (even in my semi-conscious state) saying "I'm married?" before nodding my head to the side. His response? "You'd better be kidding."

He didn't seem too amused, but I had promised my 9th grade students I would try to mess with him so B3, this one's for you.

Now, they did remove something and my internet has been so slow today that I haven't obsessively googled what that might mean yet, but I have to go in and see the doc again in a week to figure out the results of the biopsy. Let's hope that everything is okay and I just had a $700 test to tell me I'm stressed out and need to do less in life.

Otherwise, all is well and I can now indulge in the two Turkeygram cupcakes that were delivered to my room this morning. Woo hoo!

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