Friday, November 20, 2009

I'm Thankful - Day 20

Today, I am thankful for a Friday night with friends and relaxing in lieu of a football game in the cold.

Tonight was the first night that I didn't have to rush out the door right after school, get something to eat, and rush back up to the school to open the cage, have the cheerleaders grab their signs, make sure Mr. V's student group got their flags and flag poles out, lock up the cage, load a bus, do a head count, get to the stadium, supervise banners and signs going up, get the girls to warm up, go through an entire game hoping to not be impaled by a flag pole (it nearly happened on several occassions), get the girls to tear down signs, load the bus, do a head count, get back to the school, unload the bus, go around the long way to get into the school, unlock the cage, let all the kids in, let the kids put their stuff away, have a post-game meeting, make sure everyone gets picked up, and lock up the school.

And man, it feels goooooood! I forgot what this feels like. It's truly a wonderful sensation, knowing that I don't have any responsibility this evening other than taking care of myself and Mr. V.

Definitely something to be thankful for!

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