Monday, November 2, 2009

I'm Thankful - Day 2

Today, I am thankful for friends and good food!

My friend and maid of honor, Miss S, came over tonight for some homemade deep dish pizza. That's right, I made pizza from scratch, starting with the dough. Now, to be fair, the pepperoni and cheese and sauce were all store bought but I assembled it all atop my homemade dough and baked it with love. So there!

It's hard to tell, but this is the first few ingredients (yeast, water, and sugar) mixed together. You have to let it sit a few minutes. . .

and then you can add the other ingredients and mix 'em all up.  If I had a stand mixer with a dough hook, I'd have used that. But I don't (sigh) and so instead I did it the old fashioned way.

Kneading the dough!

I did more than a 'light' dusting of flour! These are little bitty baby dough balls. Soon, they'll grow up to be big dough balls . . .

like these! These guys can't wait to become deep dish pizza crusts. Trust me. That's what they're thinking.

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The dough's dream is realized!

Look at that deep-dish goodness!


Miss S, Mr. V, and I ate to our stomachs' content and then some. Soooooo good! And definitely something to be thankful for :)

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