Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I'm Thankful - Day 17

Ladies and gentlmen (because Mr. V reads this blog, I'm going to assume there may be at least one other dude out there whose eyes skim the page), today I am thankful for. . .


Having just had a birthday, I am well aware of the fact that I am no longer 4 years old, nor am I a college student. However, I was unable to sleep last night and was so gosh darn cranky when I got home that I knew a nap was in order.

Mrs. V has never done well without sleep. Or eating, for that matter. But I fixed that with Tyson's chicken nuggets and leftover pie from the one I made yesterday.

Back to the nap. My wonderful husband was at ultimate frisbee practice (you read that right) so I turned on the heater, put on my pjs, and snuggled up with my comforter and down blanket. I accidentially slept for 3 hours. Not the best idea since I was an insomniac the night before and I realize that I might be cursing this nap for which I am currently thankful (funny how that works sometimes, right?) but as of right now, in this moment, I am so thankful that I had the time to take this wonderful nap. And that naps exist in general, really. I'm too much of an "owl" (for those of you who got the 'lark vs owl' email today at work) for these early mornings. I have a feeling that the nap and I will be good friends for a long time to come!

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