Sunday, November 1, 2009

I'm Thankful - Day 1

I've been in a bit of a funk lately. I'm not entirely sure why, but it has hit me pretty hard. I've been forgetting things, getting upset over (seemingly) nothing, and just having a difficult time with most everything.

But it's November, the month during which we in the United States celebrate Thanksgiving (Canada, I'm informed, celebrates in October. Thanks future-Mrs.S!) and in honor of this month, and in an attempt to lift my spirits and experience an attitude of gratitude, I am going to post, daily (here's hoping), things for which I am thankful.

Special thanks to Mrs. D in H-town for the inspiration - her joy challenge really got me thinking. So, without further adieu, I give you my gratitude journal!

Today, I am thankful for lazy Sundays that allow me to hang out with my beloved Mr. V. Here we are, hanging out together - him playing Tiger Woods on the PS3, me watching him on the hunt for the elusive hole-in-one.

Don't we look peaceful and content?  What you can't see is that we're totally chillaxing in our sweat pants and t shirts. Wish I could bottle up this pace and unleash it on my hectic days! Yay, Sunday!

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