Monday, November 16, 2009

I'm Thankful - Day 16

I'm so very thankful for my measuring cups that allow me to see the level as I look into the cup. So, so, so awesome!

I have been laboring over apple pie. I love apple pie and have been craving it for over a week. I bought apples and everything. Last night, I decided that tonight would be the night. After all, it will be more than a week before I have to make it again for my in-laws (I'm making maple-pecan for my dad and brother) so that's about the appropriate spacing. Regardless, though, I'm going to be quite large after the holidays from all of this pie baking!

Anyway, after my husband found the peeler (for which I'm also QUITE thankful as it made peeling 6 apples a LOT easier), I was wisking the peels off those apples as if there was no tomorrow. And really, once you start peeling the apples for apple pie, you're committed to the task then and there. There is no tomorrow. But I digress. . . as I peeled, I chopped and sliced and diced those Braeburns into the 1/2" cubes they were destined to be, and then tossed said cubes into the measuring cup. Boy howdy was that measuring cup so amazing in those moments as I could easily see, without stopping the incessant apple-peeling process, the fruits of my labor . . . 2 cups, 3 cups, 4 cups. . . dump into the bowl. . . 1 cup. . . 2 cups. . . It was fantastic! Definitely a baker's dream.

Every now and then, I forget how wonderful these cups really are. I think "do I really need this? Are these little somethings that I couldn't live without?" Well, of course I don't NEED them and I certainly lived a good long while before I had the cups and could probably live a good deal longer BUT they're FABULOUS! And all it takes is a serious baking adventure to remind me.

Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. M, for giving these cups to us at our wedding shower. Absolutely awesome. I'm so thankful for them still!

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